Thursday, October 27, 2005

Harriet, Sweet Har-i-et

The news of the morning is Harriet Mier's withdrawal of her nomination for the Supreme Court. Not knowing Harriet Miers on any level i can't say what her leaning would have been on the Court. But Bush II knew her well, and most likely asked her straight out how she would vote on an abortion case. I'm sure she answered with something that the Pres. Liked or she wouldn't have gotten the nomination in the first place.
So, i'm not sure where all this right wing backlash comes from. I understand Souter was nominated by a Republican president and turned into a liberal judge, but Souter wasn't the President's personal attorney.
Now, i'm not bemoaning the fact that she withdrew her nomination. I felt like she was entirely unqualified for the position in the first place. Head of the Texas Bar Association does not a Justice make. But this sets up the possibility of someone worse being nominated to the High Court. I guess the fear of the unknown is worse than the fear of the known.
To appease the right-wing base, the Pres. Might have to go with a nomination that is worse than both Roberts and Miers. I hope its not but it might very well be.

It's like an orange on a tooth pick.

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