Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Lets call this Tubby Tuesdays

I think this will end up just as a collection of random thoughts on Tuesdays

If you looked at pictures side by side, i think A.J. Hawk looks like Cameron Diaz. Don't ask questions just go find two pictures.

Isn't it time to give up the notion that college football players are "Student Athletes". They spend more time preparring for a game than most people do at work. When i was in college i barely had time to go to class between all the sleeping and drinking. So, i got no idea how these kids make it to class and do school work. I'm not saying pay them like it was their job, i'm just saying don't expect them to act like other students.

Congratulations go out to the my old high school Brush Arcs, who won their first ever State Playoff game in football. I think in my four years of high school they won maybe five games. But I blame that on Guy Trinetti.

Scooter Libbey got indicted a couple weeks ago. I mention it now because i didn't feel like doing it earlier. You've got to wonder about a presidency where the VP's chief of staff is charged with obstruction of justice in a case involving a matter of national security. But come on its not like he got head in the oval office, that would be HORRRRRRIBLE (Bill Waltonesque)

Terrell Owens apalogized today. I think that TO was justified in asking for a new contract, even if he just got a new seven year deal last year. (But that's an entire column). Even though he was initially justified he really is one of the worst teammates in the history of team sports. The Eagles had to shut him down for the year in order to attempt to salvage some part of their season.

Frank Jackson is the new mayor of Cleveland. There isn't really a comment that goes here. Good luck maybe. The city and the state are shrinking in both size and economy, and I'm not sure that Frank Jackson can stop it. Its going to take a complete reorgaization of local government to effect long lasting change in Northeast Ohio.

The Vice President and the White House want to remove the CIA from proposed legislation that would ban the use of torture by the U.S. govt. The white house's argument boils down to "we want to keep our options open". It doesn't shock me that the Bush white house would feel this way, it does shock me to hear it publically announced.

Fuck the FCC, (I hope i don't get in trouble for that).

Two Carolina Pather cheerleaders were arrested early Sunday when they got into a fight at a bar with another woman. The fight started because the cheerleaders were having sex in the bathroom. Two cheerleaders having lesbian sex in a bar bathroom, that's why the terrorists hate us.

If you are going to quote scripture, at length, in your blog DO NOT TRY TO JUSTIFY THE WAR. What would Jesus do? I don't know but he certainly wouldn't support the war. Somewhere over the past 1970 years Jesus become pro-rich, pro-war, and only for America.

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