Friday, November 11, 2005

Ralph Nader and T.O.

Terrell Owens found an unlikely ally today in the fight to get back on the field. Ralph Nader sent a letter to Eagles management asking that they put T.O. back on the field. Here's the link

Nader states that the suspension goes against this nations history of Free Speech protection. Now I am a BIG Nader guy, voter for him in presidential elections even. But, private employers don't have to protect anyone's free speech, I think that Nader knows this and just wants the Eagles to go with the spirit of the amendment. Still there are far greater afronts to free speech than what the Eagles did to Owens. There are far, far more worthy ideas that have been muted by private entities than what Owens said. So I am gonna have to disagree with Ralph on this one. Maybe Ralph is an Eagles fan.

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